Yoga van Annelien en Violet


Dinsdag 17.30 – 18.30 Yin Yoga by Violet

My name is Violet. I’m a 200hr certified Yin yoga teacher. 

My intention is to find love, creativity and happiness for everyone by following your heart. Sometimes it’s hard to follow your heart because we all are very busy. It starts by slowing down. Just to find some moments during the day to focus on your breath. To put a hand on your belly and to feel your breath. You don’t have to change anything. Observe your breath. You’re always bright. The sun is shining in your body. You’re mind isn’t who you truly are. You don’t have to believe you’re mind. You only have to believe you’re heart. 

During my yin les you have the possibility to slow down. To take the moment to focus on your breath and to find love from inside. 

Yin yoga is for everybody; experience or no experience, flexible or not flexible. You will stay in the poses for 3 to 5 minutes to strengthen and lengthen the deeper connective tissues which may lead to a more flexible physical body. During yin yoga it’s very important to relax as much as possible. I will invite you to follow your own path during my classes. You’re more than welcome.

Drop in class €12,50,- 

5 Class Pack €50,-

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Dinsdag 18.45 – 19.45 Slow Flow by Annelien

My name is Annelien and as a yoga teacher, my intention is to make space for more mindful living. I am a 200hr certified Hatha & Vinyasa yoga teacher, and love to combine both styles of yoga into Slow Flow.         

In my opinion, we need more ‘slow’ in today’s fast paced society. More moments to slow down, to connect back to ourselves, and to experience some calm in our lives. Slow Flow gives you this opportunity. 

Slow Flow invites you to slow down. In a slow paced flow, we synchronize breath and movement. By slowing down the pace of moving, we automatically slow down our breathing. Through deep, slow breathing we’re able to reduce our stress levels, and experience the full benefits of yoga on our (mental) health. We hold poses for a few rounds of breath, and transition smoothly from one pose to another. Because we’re moving at a slower pace, you can bring a new kind of awareness to your practice. And remember: Just because it’s slow, doesn’t mean it’s easy. Holding poses for longer and with more precision, will challenge your physical and mental strength.

Drop in class €12,50,- 

5 Class Pack €50,-

E-mail to:

Locatie: Studio da Vasco, Vasco da Gamastraat 10, Amsterdam

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